Young virgin? Where the heck would you find one of those these days? Hangin' around the local grade school?

We're just the opposite. Lynn's teeth start chattering once the temps drop below 80. By the mid-70's, she'll be dressed like an Eskimo in a dogsled race. Me, my year-'round wardrobe is shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. I MIGHT slip on a long pair of pants if people start making fun of me for walking around with icicles hanging out of my nose. BUT ... it's just cool temperatures I like and have NO love at all for daily cold weather, ice, snow, sleet, mud and dreary, cloudy skies. I loved cold weather while deer hunting, but that was generally just a week or two, then I get to head back home where "normal" (I know, that's a stretch) people live. TBH, I'm not sure I even own a coat that fits.