Yeah Bwana, it may be worth a try at least. I guess it's an OLD "technology" that's gaining modern day traction, but still falls into a "grey area" as far as insurance coverage is concerned. Example, my VA insurance did not cover acupuncture a few years back. Now, they have no acupuncturists physically available at the VA hospital, but I've been informed they will now pay for me to seek acupuncture treatment from an outside source. My VA doctor referred me and set me up with an acupuncture appointment in March. I really don't know what to expect, but I'm trying not to set my expectations too high. My back pain started after a surgery where some infected muscle tissue was removed. But, admittedly, I don't have a full understanding of how this stuff works. We'll see I guess.

Lynn's case involves Medicare. She has Medicare A and D, as well as a supplemental that covers most everything else (eye, dental, cancer, etc). None of her additional insurance covers acupuncture, but her pain doc told her that Medicare started covering acupuncture treatments as of just a few years ago. When we went in for the consultation, she was informed Medicare ONLY covers acupuncture addressing "lower back pain". I don't know the exact criteria that has to be met, but there were no issues with coverage once we started the treatments. I guess wading through the coverage/non-coverage issues are still a bit murky between insurance plans. We did not seek out acupuncture treatment, but coincidently, BOTH of our doctors (mine VA, hers within her Medicare HMO network) suggested acupuncture to address our totally different back problems. There's still a variable to conquer I guess. Like any doctor or specialist, how do you differentiate between a GOOD acupuncturist and a BAD one? I suppose referrals and reading internet reviews is the only answer. My buddy who is a very wealthy Chinese dude, actually went to China to visit an acupuncturist to address some pain issues he had. He came through it with ZERO results and could not tell a bit of difference after treatment, so I suppose it can be a bit of a coin-toss.

That said, we're going in for Lynn's third treatment today, even though she has had ZERO back pain since her previous (2nd) treatment. Another thing to note, we are leaving for California this Wednesday, so it'll be a few weeks between the third and fourth treatments. Her doc said it would be no problem and he'd just schedule the last two treatments once we return. She may need them after two cross country trips flying center seat in Basic Economy coach class (I'm cheap)! That will probably be a good test to see how well this stuff really works.