I just received word (a couple days ago) that I've lost another friend. It came as an email from his son. This is getting way too common these days and it pretty much sucks. I first met Ed during an enduro in 1980 when I raced motorcycles with him. He gave me an autographed copy of a book he'd just written (Duct Tapes). I know I still have it "someplace". Probably packed away in a silverfish infested box in the garage. He was a FUNNY guy and could keep you in stitches for hours at a time. This getting old crap is for the birds.

From his obit: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obit...elder-11687705

Family, Friends and Fans Mourn the Loss of Ed “Duct Tapes” Hertfelder

Many remember Ed’s famous and hilarious “Duct Tapes” column printed in several publications including Cycle and Cycle World, Dirt Rider, Trail Rider, etc. along with a series of published books, “Duct Tapes 80”, “Reset to 80.1”, “80.2 Change to 27 MPH”, “80.3 Gas Available”, and his last book “80.4 Finish Check”.

Ed was proud of his title of “World’s Worst Dirt Rider” and met so many friends and fans along the way! He was invited and spoke as the “Master of Ceremony” in countless motorcycle events around the world. One of his dirt bikes remains in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum in Columbus, Ohio.

You will be missed by many my friend.