Ha ha! I just remembered, I have some old pics framed and hanging in the garage. I just went out and snapped one of my old XL185 taken during a desert race. Wow! Talk about memories of some fun times! I ran with the CRC (California Racing Club) back in those days. They always had a photographer somewhere along the course and we never knew where they were (usually close to a scoring position). They'd always set up on a faster leg of the course, near a hump, so that they'd usually catch you airborne. It appears my rear tire is just coming back down to earth here, so it fits their m.o. They'd just pop up from behind a rock or bush along the course. I have no clue which race this was or where it was. I didn't mark any of the photos and my memory is in the toilet these days.

Judging by the jersey and black kidney belt, I know this was a VERY early (sponsored) race and I notice the bike still has the stock Honda shocks. I don't even see a roll-chart mounted, so it has to be one of my first races. To keep time, I'd run with a pro and just do my best to keep up while he kept time. I also had a sponsorship with SUDCO International and they kept me supplied with parts, tires, chains, shocks, carburetors, jetting kits ... that sort of thing, so since I'm running stock shocks, this must have been one of my first sponsored races, before any upgrades. I also notice the raggedy looking number on the plate. I remember getting ready to roll up to the starting line and the officials asked me where my number was. SHIT! I'd forgotten to add it. Someone threw me a roll of masking tape and I threw the 21A on there just in time to take the flag! (a real professional, huh?)

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