You should head down here for the Sun 'n Fun Fly-in (Oooops, they just changed the name to Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo), It's a huge annual event and is the second largest in the U.S. (next to Oshkosh). My brother is a big ultra-light guy (started with hang-gliding while stationed in Hawaii in the Coast Guard) and alternates years. He hits Oshkosh one year, then comes here the next year ... just continues alternating. Our house seems to be the turning around point for the airshows. I assume because we live on a large lake and it's a good visual for a turning point. They zip over the show, hit the lake, go into a hard bank and head back toward the show for another pass. We avoid the crowd by watching from the back yard. I did realize, they didn't appear to turn around here the past couple years and am wondering if they changed the traffic patterns. Possibly because FedEx just established one of their shipping terminals at the airport and they divert traffic around them. (pure speculation on my part)

Anyway, they always have a huge gathering of STOL aircraft owners and vendors.