For youse anti-anti-vaxxer types here, we ALWAYS stay up to date on our Covid shots. Especially when we are flying in those tin cans with wings to visit Lynn’s almost 90 year old mom in L.A. We got our last Covid vaccine in September ‘23.

Well, we’re leaving tomorrow for another almost 3 week visit, but since we were up to date on our Covid vaccines, we never even thought about it. Well, Lynn just happened to check yesterday and we were told the latest vaccine should be taken if your last shot was 4 months ago (or more)!

We both rushed out and got the latest vaccine yesterday. I asked why we needed it so soon and we were told it came down from the CDC because Covid cases started spiking. It’s not like it’s an annual thing, the CDC monitors reported Covid cases and adjusts their recommendations on the latest trend.

So, to each, his own. Do what you want as I don’t want to start a discussion. I’ve lost 6 friends (that I know of) to Covid so far and they were all die-hard Republicans. Heck, so much so, I wouldn’t doubt they tried bleach. I’m a registered Republican, I generally vote Republican, but I’m not a stupid Republican. Plus, I wouldn’t handle it well if we jumped onto an airplane (flights to LA are always full) and took a deadly surprise to mom.

Do what you want to do, I’m just putting it out there. There’s a new vaccine recommended if it’s been 4 months or more since your last jab (as the Brits call it).