Us inland folk don’t have appreciation for these big mutha bridges that our more moist coastal cousins do. But we know what happens when they fail. We had a big one on I-40 over the Arkansas and Minnesota had a big one on the Mississippi. But those bridges ain’t anything compared to the coastal ones. The old Sunshine Skyway bridge from St Pete across the mouth of Tampa Bay to Sarasota was a big mofo that would give you the heebeegeebees because you could look down and see through the grates when you were on top. Been over it a ton and in some stormy weathers which was fun. The new Sunshine Skyway got built after the first one got knocked down by a ship. It dwarfs the old one. And I don’t think a ship will get near that bridge given how its protected now. I’ll bet the same thing happens here. Gotta be upgraded for big old ships and we ought to be looking for the next one before a barge/ship finds it first!