If you're there for those pressure sores, then it doesn't have a damn thing to do with your surgeons. It has to do with the VA hospital not complying with even the most basic of medical procedures for people who are bedridden for a long time. It really ought to be about both. The original surgery that put you down for so long and then the whole stuff with your back. I understand your feelings about those people that tried to help you. They won't get hurt in this deal. But there is someone whose responsible for the rest of it and they need to be held accountable.

I know you love the VA, but the way they've treated the veterans from these last two wars especially is just not justifiable in any way shape or form. The VA back in the 2002-2008 actually committed fraud IMO for soldiers coming back home with PTSD. There was a big controversy inside the military that got virtually NO press where the VA was coercing soldiers into accepting agreements for percentages of disability that were just criminal. I have no love for those people. Our people who served deserve better than that. and it took a class action suit to fix it, they didn't even have the balls to fix it themselves.