We have a couple of Chinese friends who are leaving for London tomorrow to attend a wedding, as well as visit family/friends, and we'll be taking them to the airport. I booked their tickets with British Airways on May 19th! That's 3 mos. and 1 wk. ago. At the same time I booked their seat preferences. I just received an e-mail saying British Airways will not guarantee their seat selection unless they pay a $25 fee! (I didn't even notice if that's for EACH flight, or the whole itinerary) That's bullshit! Their tickets were booked over 3 frigging months ago! These jerk-off airlines are getting carried away with their frigging fees. I guess if they don't pay the extortion demand, they'll put her in the front of the plane and him in the rear ... unless they decide to pay up. Next thing you know, they'll make you swipe your credit card in order to get an oxygen mask in an emergency!

But ... one thing they don't have a problem with, is keeping a good record for their on-time performance. Here's their departure times taken directly from the itinerary.

Leave Tampa: Tue. Aug 27, 2013 ... 06:15 PM - 07:35 PM.

When did they start using "windows" for departure times?

That's not too bad though ... at least, compared to their departure from London Gatwick: Mon. Sept 02, 2013 ... 11:50 AM - 04:10 PM!

Sheeesh! I guess that's so they can brag about their "good" on-time record! A-holes!

Ok, I'll step down off the curmudgeon soapbox now. As you were ....