Oh, I don't deserve any special credit. Admittedly, we were pretty close and we were able to spend quite a bit of personal (1-on-1) time together which I will always cherish. We even had a little "private joke" running between us for a while which culminated with a "care package" he sent me while I was in the hospital. He would communicate with more of us if he were able, but he's pretty incapacitated right now and his mind simply isn't working as it should. He's tried to post here but got all discombobulated and frustrated. Barry stepped up and helped him last time by resetting his password for him, but he just screwed it up again and hasn't been able to drop in. As an example, he tried to send me a message from his Blackberry last night, but all I received was the letter "J". (I assume for Jim) Evidently he messed that up somehow and that's the last I heard from him.

He was going to try calling Barry after we talked. I gave P-hole a heads-up and he was on stand-by last night, but he never got the call. I'm assuming Terry had more of the same problem and simply couldn't dial out successfully. I asked Terry if he'd talked to Johnboy recently and he said he had not, then said he should give John a call also. No clue if he was able to or not.

I felt closer to Terry than anyone here ever realized and this is tearing me apart really. I feel so helpless.