Ha ha! Bite me! We had a FULL day!

Funny you should mention lunch Cappy. We had lunch somewhere on Meeting Street (forgot the name of the place) and I had a BLFGT (Bacon, Lettuce & Fried Green Ta'mater) sammich. We had to park on the street about a block away from the restaurant and walk. About midway there I noticed a laptop setting on the hood of a Mercedes convertible parked on the street. I picked it up and looked all around, but didn't see anybody in the immediate area. We wrote a note and stuck it on the windshield stating that I had the laptop and added my cell phone number. A bit later my cell phone rang and it was a woman frantically looking for her laptop. She had been at lunch with her husband when she noticed it missing and her husband ran back to the car where he found the note. I told her where we were and they were sitting in the same restaurant only two tables away from us! She was elated as she had tons of business stuff on the thing and would have been in a real bind without it. She had laid it on the hood of the car while she put money in the parking meter, then walked off without it.

Anyway, she thanked us and offered a reward but we declined a bazillion times ... then she reached over and crammed $50 in my shirt pocket, smiled and returned to her table to finish lunch with her hubby. Before they left, her hubby came over to shake my hand and thanked us again. It kinda feels good to do a good deed ... and especially to end up with a free lunch and $$$ left over for gas!