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Thread: Thump, What's your opinion on this?

  1. #1
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Thump, What's your opinion on this?

    The Government’s War on Long-Haul Truckers
    Intrusive new regulations might actually make our highways more dangerous.
    By Lee Habeeb and Mike Leven

    Manuel Hernandez is not a complainer. But lately, he’s got a lot to complain about. Excessive government regulations are making it harder and harder for him to earn a living. And he’s not sure what he can do about it.
    Hernandez is not an energy executive being hassled by the EPA, a banker trying to cope with Dodd-Frank, or a doctor getting nickel-and-dimed by HHS and Obamacare; he’s a long-haul trucker. And his story is one all Republicans running for office should know, because it personifies our government’s war against a large category of middle-class workers who make our economy hum.
    Readers of the Wall Street Journal met Hernandez in his truck somewhere on Interstate 10 between El Paso and Los Angeles, thanks to a superb piece of reporting by Betsy Morris last week. This first sentence caught every reader’s attention: “Manuel Hernandez is one of a vanishing breed: a professional long-haul trucker.”
    Long-haul truckers are vanishing? Is there someone protecting this endangered species? God knows we have enough people fighting for the survival of the dunes sagebrush lizard.
    We soon learned why this breed of middle-class worker is vanishing, and we learned more about the 50-year-old Hernandez, too. Like many truckers, he loves what he does, especially squeezing his 18-wheeler into tight spaces. He’s a guy who doesn’t get his fashion tips from GQ and never once dreamed of landing that big corner office. His office is the rig he works in every day, accompanied by a whole lot of horsepower and thousands of miles of open road.
    Hernandez’s story got more interesting a bit farther down in the article, as we learned how public policy dictated by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., was affecting his life — and the lives of all long-haul truckers — for the worse: “Lately, though, Mr. Hernandez’s patience has been worn thin by a confusing tangle of rules, efficiency directives, and electronic devices that cap his speed, log his every move, and practically try to autopilot his truck. Magnifying the stress are more federal rule changes that took effect in July and are now roiling the industry.”
    The federal agency that is doing all this is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an agency within a bigger agency, the Department of Transportation.
    Under a revised rule by the FMCSA’s trucking czars, the average workweek for men and women who make a living carting around America’s stuff was shortened to 70 hours from 82. But that wasn’t the only change. It turns out the required 34-hour break between workweeks must now extend over two nights, including the hours between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., according to Betsy Morris’s article.
    The micromanaging of what truckers can and can’t do is nothing new, but adding this new set of rules to lots of old rules — particularly one that limited truckers to no more than eleven hours of driving in a day, with a required rest of ten consecutive hours — has cost Hernandez and truckers like him dearly.
    Why the changes? Has there been a spike of trucking accidents involving sleepy drivers?
    Actually, no. Crashes involving large trucks declined 26 percent between 2000 and 2011. It turns out that the rule changes were the result of a decade of litigation against the FMCSA by safety advocates and plaintiff lawyers pushing for tougher driving laws.
    What was supposed to be the upside to the changes foisted by the FMCSA on already-overregulated truckers like Manuel Hernandez? The agency predicts the new rules will prevent about 1,400 crashes and 560 injuries and save 19 lives a year.
    What do the folks who run trucking businesses think about the new edicts issued from D.C. for their own health and safety? Costs are already up, and business is down — in some places by as much as 5 percent.
    But no federal bureaucrat ever lost a minute of sleep worrying about declining business or rising costs.
    What about those 19 lives the bureaucrats say will be saved each year? The irony of all these rules designed to protect Americans from reckless truck drivers — and protect truck drivers from themselves — is this: They might actually make our roads more dangerous, because they put more trucks on the road during rush hours. And worse, the rules force truckers to sleep when they might not be sleepy, and drive when they might be tired.
    That’s the kind of rule-making only a Washington, D.C., bureaucrat could dream up.
    One thing is certain: The new rules are pushing turnover among long-haul truckers, which was already high, even higher. That’s a great way to improve safety: Drive experienced truckers out of the business and bring in less-experienced drivers to fill the void.
    These new rules are a big deal to Americans because trucking is a $642 billion industry, and truckers cart nearly 70 percent of all the nation’s freight. When costs go up, that’s money out of all of our pockets — and in this case, for no real reason.
    And the new rules are a big deal for truck drivers like Manuel Hernandez. As Morris’s story pointed out, Hernandez is a hard-core long-hauler, with average trips of two to three weeks. But he is also a serious family man, and his goal with every trip is to drive as many miles as possible and return home to El Paso to spend his 34-hour break with his wife of 30 years, Teresa.
    You’d think that would be incentive enough to drive safely — the desire to stay alive, get paid, and get home to your wife. But it isn’t enough to satisfy the whims of Washington.
    The new FMCSA rules have already had a huge impact on Hernandez. Since they took effect in July, he has been stranded on the open road five times; his 70 on-duty hours had run out before he could get back home. On one such occasion, as Morris reported, he dropped a load in Dallas and then drove to a truck stop on Interstate 20 to park and simply wait until the rules allowed him to drive again. “There was nothing to do,” he said. “It can be a nightmare of having to sit for 48 hours, tired, when all you want to do is get home.”
    “Who made up these rules?” he asked Morris. “Did they have any experience in driving truck, and traffic, and dealing with customers?”
    What a silly question; doesn’t he know bureaucrats don’t have customers?
    It turns out that Hernandez and truckers like him are required to take those ten consecutive hours of rest because it supposedly promotes their circadian-rhythm sleep cycle. That’s right; our nation’s bureaucrats know better than the truckers themselves when they should and should not sleep.
    These rules aren’t just stupid, they are hitting Hernandez and other drivers where it hurts most: their wallets. Pay for experienced drivers has plunged to about $50,000 a year from $65,000, Hernandez said.
    Things have gotten so bad, and the industry so riddled with regulations, that many drivers are calling it quits. “Sometimes I think they’re trying to choke out the trucking industry,” Hernandez lamented.
    This is a real war story all Americans should know about: the war the administrative state is waging against industry upon industry. And all Americans should meet the real-life working-class victims of that war.
    Forget the fake war on women; let’s start talking to Americans about the war our government is waging against our long-haul truckers.
    Let’s tell the very real story of Manuel Hernandez.
    And see how it stacks up against the fake story of Sandra Fluke.
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Man, I could write a book ... but I don't really need to because this story is spot on.

    That said, like ANY industry, I DO believe some regulation is a necessary evil. I remember the "old days" when truck drivers were kind of a "rogue" group. I don't know from personal experience, but years ago, I always heard truck drivers stayed hopped up on "speed" and would drive a bazillion miles in a zombie-like daze before taking a nap. That no longer is the norm. Personally, I was drug-tested a total of 6 times during my 2 years of driving ... 4 of those were random. I wouldn't even drink a beer when home on break because my company had a "ZERO tolerance" drug/alcohol policy and I was always paranoid about a "hint" of alcohol remaining in my blood stream. That was by my company, but the DOT also has the authority to pull me over at any time, any where, for any reason and force me to take a drug test immediately. As far as I know (can't really remember), there is no need for probable cause. I really have no problem with that and have no reason to believe that authority is regularly abused by the DOT. Trust me, I don't want to be out on the road with a bunch of hopped-up truck drivers any more than the average citizen.

    I WILL say, I many times felt like a low-life, second-class citizen and have a feeling the general population doesn't have the highest opinion of truck drivers. BUT ... I made a lot of long-lasting friendships with drivers while on the road. Many called to check on me while I was hospitalized. There are 3-4 who STILL call from time to time to see how I'm doing and I haven't driven for over 4 years. Once I got into the industry, I was a bit surprised by the intelligence of many truck drivers and I can name 3 off the top of my head who were college grads. An owner/operator is a businessman, running a legitimate business. I'd always had the same stereo-type many have ... that truck drivers tended to be kind'a in the "dirtbag" category. That's far from the truth, although like ANY profession or industry, there ARE quite a few scum-buckets ... but FAR from the majority. With all the DOT/trucking industry rules, laws, restrictions and regulations these days, you practically have to have a law degree to drive a truck.

    The time limits and driving restrictions can definitely get a bit ridiculous. Like the article above, I've been caught in a few snags that REALLY pissed me off. Once, I had been on the road for just under 4 weeks and was headed home. I ran into rush hour traffic (or it may have been an accident, can't remember) coming through Atlanta and was 1 1/2 hours short of getting home. I was at the end of my 70 hour limit and had to shut down and sit in a truck stop parking lot for 34 hours while only 90 minutes from my house! There was the time I had a delivery to a grocery warehouse in the town next to where I live. When I arrived around noon, I was told they don't take deliveries until after 6:00 PM. I crawled back in the sleeper and took a nap until I could get unloaded, but in the meantime, my clock had run out. I'd been on the road for 3 weeks and was 20 frigging minutes from home, but couldn't move that truck ... even though I'd just had a 5-6 hour nap! Another time I was headed East on I-10 and planned on shutting down for the night at a truck stop in Hammond, Louisanna (there are 3-4 truck stops there) but there was not an open parking spot to be had. To make matters worse, I could have driven another 20-30 minutes to another truck stop or rest area to park, but my clock had run out and I could not legally drive. I spent the next 2-3 hours driving in a loop into one truck stop, out the driveway into the next one, out that driveway and across the street to another one. There must have been a parade of 50-60 trucks in the same predicament making this loop waiting for someone to pull out of a space. Legally, we are required to park right where we are when our clock runs out and if not in a parking spot, call a tow truck to tow us the the next available "safe haven". Do you have any clue how much a tow bill is for a loaded big-rig? On top of that, you have no clue where or how far you have to be towed. Before anyone asks, we were tracked by satellite. I once parked at a CROWDED truck stop in the middle of the night to shut down for my break. Once the sun came up, I realized I was parked facing East and the sun was shining straight into the windshield of my cab. I noticed there was now an open space directly in front of me, so I pulled out of my space and backed into the space directly across from me. I'll be damned if I didn't cross a grid and the GPS nailed me for a moving violation! I had to park the rig and take a penalty starting my break all over again. Remember, if the wheels aren't turning, we're not getting paid. Independents are well known for keeping two sets of log books so they can fudge when they need to ... but every second and every mile I drove was automatically tracked and recorded by GPS. Fines for a normal 4-wheeler might run $50 for traffic infractions ... for a truck driver, that same infraction may be $1800.00! Plus, take into account how many bazillions of miles (I ran 100,000 miles/year when times were slow and I was a newbie), and truck drivers have a ton of exposure to traffic tickets. A few points on a driving record can mean loss of your Class A and you then have no way to earn a living.

    Anyway, I'll stop now ... I could go on forever. I LOVED the job .. just wasn't real happy about being away from home so much. ESPECIALLY if I could be at home, but was stuck in some parking lot, making ZERO income, while taking a mandatory 34 hour break because somebody in Washington says I'm too tired to drive!

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Government loves all of us.

  4. #4
    Member hotshot's Avatar
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    I know the feeling.... teaching is being regulated by people who have no idea what a classroom is about. Especially in Indiana! all the accountability tests are a joke.... kids need a set of 4 choices or they panic. Tell what in life has 4 choices for you to chose from.... Life is about being able to think for yourself.
    oh and for you thumper... cue the song: Convoy.

  5. #5
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Michigan isn't any different than Indiana. I think it going on everywhere. I really don't know why anyone would want to be a teacher now. The only benefit for Michigan is that they pay a hell of a lot better than Indiana does.
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  6. #6
    Member Gunther's Avatar
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    Regulate trucks=regulating commerce=regulating every facet of life.

    I can guess what side of the aisle this came from....
    A man gets one great horse and one great dog in his life, a damn lucky man might get two.

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