I've only had Toyotas for the last 20 years and have never had a luck if trouble with them. But, I don't think they play in the space you're looking at. I like the "idea" of the Ford Ecoboost. But, I'll never be towing the kind if loads you're talking about. In general, I'm not sure I like the idea of driving a big honking diesel every day just so I can haul my RV around a few times a year. But, then again I'm not retarded and have as much time like you.

As for side by sides, I don't think they're practical for the kind if riding I do. I did rent a 4 seat Yamaha out west two summers ago and tooled around the Grand Tetons. That thing was the bomb. Top speed pushing 50 loaded with a family if four. It's more like a dune buggy though.