The Silver I caught in Alaska a couple years ago. I have two buddies that are guides up there. The one we were with had just retired. Silvers are his specialty and we slayed 'em. Most of them were caught juts letting a flatfish type lure waggle in the current from anchor. After you've caught about 20 it's about as much fun as watching cement crack. Women absolutely loved it - go figure. Finally Jerry handed me that spinning rod and Panther Martin. It was actually like "real" fishing.

Channel cat was caught in March here at home. Got a young friend who is about as close to a professional cat angler as they make. I kind of helped him get started and now he spanks me regularly. Travels all over the country fishing tournaments - mostly for blues. Anyway - fishing fresh shad we probably caught 20 - had 10 fish from 14 to 17 pounds. We released everything big and kept a few 5-6 pounders to eat. It was just above freezing that day. Good times.