I used to be a newspaper junkie ... even at an early age (8 ... 9 yrs. old?) I'd get up early and have the paper read before leaving for school. (I've always been an EARLY riser ... even as a kid) To be honest, after serving in the military and realizing what is in the paper ain't necessarily what is REALLY going on, I never looked at another newspaper. Sure, I missed out on the local stuff, but I could catch that on tv or the radio. I only started getting the paper again when I had my business because I checked my ads (as well as the competition) every day. Once I started spending more "leisure" time on the computer, I read the local paper that way. I can't remember the last time I subscribed to the paper ... it's been many years.

That said, my mom has the paper read and 2-3 cups of coffee down the hatch by 8:00 - 9:00 every morning.