I lived in Texas twice,the first time when I was 18 and moved there on a whim in north Texas and stayed a cole years and the second time after the military when I stayed there five years. I have to say that most Texans that I can't stand aren't Texans at all but are transplants from somewhere else. That's especially true in Dallas where assholes with NY accents are on every street corner. All hat and no cattle as they say down there.

Their sports programs are different and I won't cut them any slack.

I especially remember the people I met and worked with in north Texas when I was just a young buck. I met some awesome people in little towns like Bonham and Tom Bean and Van Alstine and Whitesboro and so on. I had a route I'd run when I worked for a wholesaler out of Sherman and it hit most all of the little towns in north east Texas. They're salt of the earth there. I also managed a couple of sites out in Longview and Tyler for MCI years later. That's where Bert is from!

So they ain't all bad!