I've been working on a project all week for my boss. Its actually a project to help him keep track of his projects. Riiiiiiight! So they assign this poor analyst gal to me to help (read:do the actual work) who has dedicated her professional career to helping customers. Poor girl didn't realize that this was part of helping customers. Anyway, we finished it up today and sent it on to be looked at and peed on and distributed around to other smart people. I told her to expect that some nitpicky little insignificant thing would be required to be changed first as that was the only thing MBA's had to prove to themselves that they are smarter than you. Sure enough, just like clockwork, some feedback came back on the form, not the substance mind you, the form of the thing. With the question "What if the boss's boss saw this? What is the 'so what?' of the slides?

What. Is. The. Fucking. So. What.

She took it better than I did. Seems she actually listened to me and here I let those bastards get to me. After all this time.

Its gotta be in the MBA program to do this stuff.

After a workout, a shower, and soon a glass of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey (distilled by non-union labor I'll bet ya) I am good as gold.

Happy Friday!