Louis Farrakhan And The Nation Of Islam Want Blacks To Separate From White Society
By Brian Anderson on February 24, 2014

"""At the end of a 4-day Nation of Islam conference in Detroit, leader Louis Farrakhan laid out his plan for blacks to separate from a predominately white society that he feels is unjust. He called for blacks to set up their own justice system, told them all to move to Detroit, and threatened the government if they try to stop him."""

"""Even sadder is that this four-day long hate-whitey-fest didn’t get the same condemnation that a KKK rally or a gathering of the neo-Nazis would surely receive. In fact, prominent democrat politicians were by Farrakhan’s side, cheering his every race-baiting move. U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones flanked the Nation of Islam leader as he delivered his message of black power and black separation."""