Apparently this is the season when more cottontails are made, either that or my yard is to rabbits as the Playboy Mansion is to humans.

Yesterday morning while brushing my teeth I hear two loud noises that seemed out of place. A quick inspection found my 16 yr old trying to take out a couple of cottontails he saw in the back yard while eating breakfast. He ended up getting both of them, two bunnies down.

Fast forward to last night's supper. We were just sitting down to eat when my daughter says, "Dad, there are two MORE rabbits in the yard." Well, by the time I grabbed the shotgun and some shells they had disappeared into the shelter belt. A few minutes later they were back and this time I was ready but I only got one before the other ducked back into the trees. He would have been safe there but he decided to check on his buddy, two rabbits down. I thought the fun was over but as I was putting my supper plate in the dishwasher I noticed another rabbit near the last one I had just killed and though I can't be certain it appeared to be eating his dead buddy just like gophers will do. (maybe it was a zombie-bunny?) Anyway, a quick shot and bunny number 3 was down. Not sure what was going on yesterday but I do know there are 5 less cottontails we will have to worry about munching on our garden this summer.