Well, I for one, miss your input around here and wish you'd drop in more often Gunther ... BUT ... in this thread, it seems you're simply spouting gobblety-gook and blowing a bunch'a worthless hot air. There are things that the State controls and there are things the Federal Government controls. This guy is claiming the State has control of this particular Federal land. It does NOT. He "claims" (which I seriously doubt) that he's tried to pay the State of Nevada. Huh? When I bought my house, I financed it through First Federal. They sold the loan to Nations Bank. Next thing I knew, Washington Mutual had the loan ... then they were bought out by Chase Bank. I now send my mortgage payments to Chase. According to this douche bag, I should be sending my payments to First Federal ... I'm sure they'd simply tell me to send them to Chase, but as far as I'm concerned, I've done my part, so I'll just KEEP the money.

That makes just as much sense as what this bozo is claiming.