I never wanted to spend those big bucks and always carried a Black Max with me, but like CD ... never once used it. As many swampy situations I'd get into, I thought for sure I'd need it from time to time, but never got that stuck. I liked the idea of it's portability/versatility. I could store it on either my front or rear rack ... or throw it in a cargo box. If I did get stuck, I could hook it to either the front or rear to pull myself out in either direction. If someone else I was "wheeling" with got stuck, I could hand it to them to use. I also always carried a nylon tow-strap in my utility box in case I needed a tow or had to tow someone else. I figured I could also hook it onto the hook on the Black Max in case I needed an extra long pull strap to winch myself out or to wrap around a tree, rock, etc. as an anchor point. I sold my 4-wheeler but still have the Black Max I bought through Cabela's (they don't make 'em anymore). I keep thinking about throwing it up on eBay, but always forget to drag it out of the garage. If you want it, it's available.

Can't find any big pics, but here's what I'm talkin' about.

I see some guy is selling his on eBay right now for $74.00.
