I know exactly what you mean Barry.

The biggest free market loving, Republican voting, Limbaugh loving, liberal hating, commie hunter in my hometown was just like that. Never worked a day in his entire worthless freeloading life. And now, after his demise, his son has taken up the mantle and expounds his Adam Smith loving opinions to any and all who will listen at the local barbershop. Where he sits on his worthless ass all day, every day while the rest of the world is out making a living. How in the hell this piece of work got on to government sponsored disability is beyond. He ~is~ unemployable. But that is because he is stupid, worthless, and lazy not because of any true disability.

I can still remember the elder worthless POS indicting my father for working as a union member one saturday morning decades ago. After listening to his idiotic union = communist bullshit for about 5 minutes my dad looked him straight in the eye and said "I work for a living. Have for years. I haven't drew a government check since I left the Marine Corps. When was the last time you ever got paid for work you did?"

The truth hurts. After that he hated my father till the day he died.

Truth be told 90% of the Limbaugh spouting jackasses I know personally are freeloaders. Even an uncle of mine. Hell of a nice guy. Spent his whole life belittling two of his brothers (my father and a different uncle) who worked union. Said it was anti-American. All of that John Wayne, star spangled banner stuff. Now, after a heart attack he sits around bitching about freeloaders and waiting for the next check to come in. Wasn't for an old high school flame he'd be homeless probably. Now because he didn't take care of things properly the rest of us get to pay for his rugged individualism views as a young and productive man.

It clouds my vision when I'm on the internet. I can't shake the feeling that most of the people who are most virulently conservative might be like the ones I know back home. In that Clive Bundy debacle I kept thinking "Where in the hell are all of those people from? Don't they have jobs? "

I'll probably never know. But I know what I suspect.
