Jim, you can bite me. Hard.

Posty, I ain't acting hurt. Talk about reading comprehension! I simply stated a fact. I can show you two current threads where I'm being put down (not that it hurts me!! But it's true!) and I didn't even contribute to them. It's for my previous opinions.

I'm a bit angry over some of the comments, but I ain't hurt one bit. Y'all can all bite me. This is just one more bit of evidence of what I say being taken differently. I don't know why y'all do it. Y'all have to answer that, not me. Did I say you could all bite me?

OK, a summary then.........

On the mexican child illegal immigration issue:
1) Yes, that's what this is. You can't say "that's not what this is" and hope someone believes you.
2) The entire thread on this subject, but all posters, was typical Liberal 'binary arguments'. The implicit argument was (and any rational person would conclude same) "These are children. Our government should treat them like they were our own children. It's not their fault". In other words, this is a problem, and therefore the government should intervene on these poor urchins and let them stay, give them money, house them, heck if I know.....but this is claptrap. Typical claptrap. The problem is NOT binary!! Yes they are children. NO they shouldn't be mistreated. However, the government should NOT be the answer to their troubles. There are other ways to help humans than letting the government do it. Aggh. Government is a poor solution to any problem, and for sure this one.
3) How did these children get here? Thousands??? Marching in single file??? Not turned away at any point??? Allowed to cross our border??? Where??? Is no one manning the border? Is it so easy to cross that mere children can march across single file, hours on end?? This problem shouldn't exist to begin with!!!! Good grief.
4) "If we don't let them in, they'll just be forced to join gangs and be criminals". In other words, another binary argument..........we have to let them in for humanitarian reasons. Pure claptrap. IF you are truly a humanitarian, you need to go to the Congo and get planeloads and boatloads of folks out of there, because they are being treated much worse than any Mexican child. In other words, if you truly want to be a humanitarian, then let's go get all the downtrodden, mistreated humanity on earth and bring them here? No??? Why not??? Could the reason be "We have limited resources", or maybe "We have laws?" Don't tell me how bad it'll be if we don't let them in. The world is a hard place, but no reason to make our world hard and add us to the list!!

Playing on emotions to make a political point is what is disingenuous. And making any argument that makes the government the sole solution is as well.

It was the SS disability thing that truly torqued me. I'm not against stopping fraud, by any means. But the statements that 90% of all freeloaders are conservatives........and further, not even labeling them as conservatives, but "Limbaugh loving jackasses", infuriated me. I don't like Rush Limbaugh and NEVER listen to him. But he's right most of the time, he's just a jackass. Not his listeners, HIM! He's a jackass not for the message, but the delivery. He's like many preachers I've known over the years........he's right, but his method won't convert anyone.

In my world, and I suspect throughout this country.......almost every single freeloader is a believer in the traditional liberal philosophy. None I know of are conservatives, although I'm sure there is a rare one or two running loose. In my world, none of the conservatives are freeloaders!! I'm sure there is one or two of them running loose, too. But not in my world. And to read that my world is immaterial, and that it really is 90%.......is more than disingenuous. It's pure claptrap. And it infuriates me to read crap like that. The underlying belief is simple........"Conservatives are mostly hypocrites, and only Liberals are honest".

Then that philosophy was embellished further by implying that most Social Security Disability (SSD) recipients are cheats. Or that, because someone knows one, that many are that way. Boatloads of 'em!!! No proof, just disingenuous claptrap. I suppose Jim is not entitled to SS Disability?? I suppose my wife is not??? How insightful of the writer of that to insinuate such things!! I wish I had that degree of insight.

And yes, my opinion of the credibility of such folks decreased. Not my 'love' for 'em, and not my respect for 'em. But seriously, if they truly believe that kind of stuff, then am going to have to temper my previously high opinion of what they write in the future.

Is that sufficient?