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Thread: I don't often agree with Fox News

  1. #61
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Jim, you can bite me. Hard.

    Posty, I ain't acting hurt. Talk about reading comprehension! I simply stated a fact. I can show you two current threads where I'm being put down (not that it hurts me!! But it's true!) and I didn't even contribute to them. It's for my previous opinions.

    I'm a bit angry over some of the comments, but I ain't hurt one bit. Y'all can all bite me. This is just one more bit of evidence of what I say being taken differently. I don't know why y'all do it. Y'all have to answer that, not me. Did I say you could all bite me?

    OK, a summary then.........

    On the mexican child illegal immigration issue:
    1) Yes, that's what this is. You can't say "that's not what this is" and hope someone believes you.
    2) The entire thread on this subject, but all posters, was typical Liberal 'binary arguments'. The implicit argument was (and any rational person would conclude same) "These are children. Our government should treat them like they were our own children. It's not their fault". In other words, this is a problem, and therefore the government should intervene on these poor urchins and let them stay, give them money, house them, heck if I know.....but this is claptrap. Typical claptrap. The problem is NOT binary!! Yes they are children. NO they shouldn't be mistreated. However, the government should NOT be the answer to their troubles. There are other ways to help humans than letting the government do it. Aggh. Government is a poor solution to any problem, and for sure this one.
    3) How did these children get here? Thousands??? Marching in single file??? Not turned away at any point??? Allowed to cross our border??? Where??? Is no one manning the border? Is it so easy to cross that mere children can march across single file, hours on end?? This problem shouldn't exist to begin with!!!! Good grief.
    4) "If we don't let them in, they'll just be forced to join gangs and be criminals". In other words, another binary argument..........we have to let them in for humanitarian reasons. Pure claptrap. IF you are truly a humanitarian, you need to go to the Congo and get planeloads and boatloads of folks out of there, because they are being treated much worse than any Mexican child. In other words, if you truly want to be a humanitarian, then let's go get all the downtrodden, mistreated humanity on earth and bring them here? No??? Why not??? Could the reason be "We have limited resources", or maybe "We have laws?" Don't tell me how bad it'll be if we don't let them in. The world is a hard place, but no reason to make our world hard and add us to the list!!

    Playing on emotions to make a political point is what is disingenuous. And making any argument that makes the government the sole solution is as well.

    It was the SS disability thing that truly torqued me. I'm not against stopping fraud, by any means. But the statements that 90% of all freeloaders are conservatives........and further, not even labeling them as conservatives, but "Limbaugh loving jackasses", infuriated me. I don't like Rush Limbaugh and NEVER listen to him. But he's right most of the time, he's just a jackass. Not his listeners, HIM! He's a jackass not for the message, but the delivery. He's like many preachers I've known over the years........he's right, but his method won't convert anyone.

    In my world, and I suspect throughout this country.......almost every single freeloader is a believer in the traditional liberal philosophy. None I know of are conservatives, although I'm sure there is a rare one or two running loose. In my world, none of the conservatives are freeloaders!! I'm sure there is one or two of them running loose, too. But not in my world. And to read that my world is immaterial, and that it really is more than disingenuous. It's pure claptrap. And it infuriates me to read crap like that. The underlying belief is simple........"Conservatives are mostly hypocrites, and only Liberals are honest".

    Then that philosophy was embellished further by implying that most Social Security Disability (SSD) recipients are cheats. Or that, because someone knows one, that many are that way. Boatloads of 'em!!! No proof, just disingenuous claptrap. I suppose Jim is not entitled to SS Disability?? I suppose my wife is not??? How insightful of the writer of that to insinuate such things!! I wish I had that degree of insight.

    And yes, my opinion of the credibility of such folks decreased. Not my 'love' for 'em, and not my respect for 'em. But seriously, if they truly believe that kind of stuff, then am going to have to temper my previously high opinion of what they write in the future.

    Is that sufficient?
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  2. #62
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Oh, well to get back on subject and offer Willy a bit of trash-talk ... I think unions suck great big hairy donkey dicks. But, of course, that's JMHO.
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  3. #63
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Well, I feel like I need to restate my whole point because its kind of morphed into talking about the exceptions and not the rule. what I am saying is that, as a rule, we've come to expect (make that feel ENTITLED) that our government will:

    a: keep prices from fluctuating too much on our major expenditures by manipulating markets. Like gas, food, insurance, electricity, you name it. And when they do fluctuate out of the norm we consider it a failure of government to do its job not as a failure of some part of the free market. A BIG portion of our income taxes go towards this. As a result we've made the providers of those things pretty much immune to failure by subsidizing them and ensuring their profits. when is the last time you've heard of a major supplier of any of those things go out of business? It doesn't happen. Those are entitlement as much as any welfare queen with a cell phone. If you want an example of disingenuous, look at anyone who screams about redistribution of wealth to the poor from the rich and at the same time fights like hell to protect these institutions. And yes they have become institutions. Its why our markets are upside down from a logic standpoint. Like 99 cents a pound tomatoes in January. Ain't logical.
    b: If our Social Security system collapses, and I don't think it will just personally speaking, it will be due in large part to our increasing belief that because we paid into it, we deserve to get anything we can out of it even if it involves cheating a little bit or a lot. Its a huge perversion of what purpose for setting it up in the first place. Take Medicare as a prime example. It was meant to provide medical insurance for elderly people WHO COULDN'T AFFORD IT. Not for people to automatically file for it when they reached a certain age. It was a safety net. Now it is the insurance plan du jour for any retiring senior. and they'll all say the same thing: I paid for it, I'm taking it. Medicare needs a needs test. and these people will fight like hell to get medicare and scream about how sorry Obamacare is at the same time.

    Anyway, that was my main point. If that's disingenuous, then climb on a tall stool a bite my rusty red butt.


  4. #64
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Well dang Bucky! Congrats! And just so you know ... I agree wholeheartedly with 99.9% of what you just said. Well, maybe 100%, but I'm SURE there's SOMETHING in there that may be a bit gray to me. Ummm, but one thing ... do I still have to bite you?
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  5. #65
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Jim, yes.

    Posty, if you want logic to be the basis for life, move to Vulcan. And no that wasn't your main point. Your MAIN point was about mexican kids.

    I got to go work. I have a massive online garage sale coming up Aug 10-29.......half my carport is full of stuff. I have to go the attic and get the rest of it, and then get the trailer ready to go camping next week. I got to get away from the stress of being me...............for a while.
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  6. #66
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Posty ... to cut to the chase .... I feel that if I'm FORCED to "purchase a product" and have NO choice in the matter ... I'm gonna USE that f'ing product. I never contributed to SS or Medicare voluntarily ... in fact, the 20+ years I owned a business, I was "forced" to pay DOUBLE. Excuse me if I feel "entitled". If'n it ain't meant to be "used" ... just call it "income tax" and raise the tax rate proportionately. Call it what it is.

    I will say, the crack whore on the public dole, who's never worked a day in her life, with 12 chillin's and a cell phone, kind'a chaps my ass ...
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  7. #67
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Okay Jim, let's make that our official policy. If you never paid into it, then you can't take anything out of it. And to take that a step further, let's only allow people to take out what they've actually paid in and not a penny more. That should be the rule for Medicare and Social Security. how long you think it'd take to spend what you paid in for those 20 years? At the max contribution rate that's what, $120k? How long you think that'd last in a retirement plan that pays out $20k a year or so?

    My whole point here is that social security isn't a pay as you go deal and never has been. whether you agree with that or not, I could care less. again, it was intended to provide care for elderly people who had no means of support. Remember, pensions and 401 k's didn't exist in those days for the most part. Now people think 'because they paid in' like you do, that they deserve every penny they paid in back. Now its a part of EVERY American's retirement plan whether they need it or not. Tell me we're not an entitlement society. and tell me that conservatives don't have entitlement values every much as the liberals do. I'll tell you you're full of shit.

    Maybe we do need to re-engineer social security to be the safety net it was originally intended to be. It would cost less and people could use that money for their own personal retirement plans. The downside to that? There's still people who wouldn't pay a DIME into their own private retirement plan because the big government teat would finance their retirement in their golden years. I mean hell, they paid in for many years right? Who cares if what they paid in most times is way less than what they'll pull out. They're ENTITLED!


  8. #68
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    You're one of the smartest people I know, so I KNOW you aren't that dumb, man.

    If I was self employed, and paid about 15% of my income up to $120K every year for almost 50 years, I'd be expecting a LOT MORE than what this measly mandatory b/s plan pays out! Good grief!!!

    It was not originally intended to be a safety net for those who had nothing. It was intended as a SUPPLEMENT for retirement by those whose retirement wouldn't probably be enough. Never mind that this assumption and intention was a social engineering idiocy. But that's what it was. That's from SSA.GOV's own website.

    I hate the concept, and wish it didn't exist. But it is an insurance+retirement plan that my employers and I have paid dearly for, compared to the pittance I'm getting back, and I dang sure AM entitled to it.

    I'm done. Going to work.
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  9. #69
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckrub View Post
    It was the SS disability thing that truly torqued me. I'm not against stopping fraud, by any means. But the statements that 90% of all freeloaders are conservatives........and further, not even labeling them as conservatives, but "Limbaugh loving jackasses", infuriated me. I don't like Rush Limbaugh and NEVER listen to him. But he's right most of the time, he's just a jackass. Not his listeners, HIM! He's a jackass not for the message, but the delivery. He's like many preachers I've known over the years........he's right, but his method won't convert anyone.

    In my world, and I suspect throughout this country.......almost every single freeloader is a believer in the traditional liberal philosophy. None I know of are conservatives, although I'm sure there is a rare one or two running loose. In my world, none of the conservatives are freeloaders!! I'm sure there is one or two of them running loose, too. But not in my world. And to read that my world is immaterial, and that it really is more than disingenuous. It's pure claptrap. And it infuriates me to read crap like that. The underlying belief is simple........"Conservatives are mostly hypocrites, and only Liberals are honest".

    Is that sufficient?
    Who said 90% of freeloaders are conservatives? I didn't. I didn't even come close.

    What I said (reread it you think I'm lying) and meant is that 90% of the absolutely unhinged right wingnuts that I personally know are bums. Absolute parasites.

    And them's the facts. That's what I've seen.

    I excluded the run of the mill conservatives. The rational and the thoughtful I also excluded. And I limited it to those who I personally know. How could I not? I've no idea whether the guys I know from the internet are who they say they are until we meet and shake hands. On this forum that is limited to Captain and Archer. Those are the only two I have ever met and then only for one hunting trip (which was a good one, thanks Cappy).

    And aside from them the only one who knows that I have any believability is Jim. He called through the landline system at Penske Racing once when I was there and walked me through some photo posting I was doing. Aside from those little snippets I am basically an unknown to you guys. OTOH I believe most of you know quite a bit about me. You've seen the best and the worst of my over the last couple decades and come to know me well probably. But that was not the sense of the word I was using. I meant know as in recognize on the street and around me enough to know how I live.

    Now back to my experience. I can name names. I can tell you exactly how long and how low these guys I am referring to have lived as they do. These guys are mouth breathing, social security hating, Rush Limbaugh spouting, unhinged, hate filled, wingnuts. And I repeat: Almost to a man they are bums and freeloaders. Almost to a man.

    And it tints the way I view people online. Another hunting site (which shall remain unnamed) is filled to the brim with this sort of political craziness that I am referring to. Some of the rhetoric and opinions you can read there any day are simply breathtaking and disturbing. I have seen a bit but, in all honesty, very little of that around this place. I consider most of the guys here right wing but rational. But when I go to that site I cannot help but wonder how many of these commie hunters and bastions of freedom and independence are actually just like the ones I know back home.

    I hope that clears thing up Bill. I hate that I have aggravated you. It was honestly not my intent. Although I knew it might be controversial I didn't mean to hurt feelings and make enemies. I enjoy hearing your opinions even if I do disagree sometimes.


  10. #70
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Bite me. I have PMS.

    You ticked me off. I'll get over it. Maybe I misunderstood. I didn't think so. I believe any rational man would conclude that you superimposed your wingnuts onto the majority. But maybe not. Even your post above makes me think that you believe that, deep down.

    And it's so wrong it's crazy.

    But maybe it's me that is.

    Oh, and I'll name one. Go to the Political Forum of I spend a ton of time there trying to tone down these wingnuts. I do. I doubt you believe that. But not one of them are freeloaders.
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  11. #71
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Dang Postie, first off, what normal working stiff only works for 20 years and then retires with SSI? Even so, if you only pay in $120,000 ... it doesn't equate to $120,000 "invested". That's $120,000 plus interest. We have no control over how the government invests that money, so we have no control over the interest either. I think I'd be able to invest it for a greater return IMHO ... but I'm not given that choice.

    Now, what do you think of my grandfather's situation? He paid into SSI and planned to retire at 65 years old. He died of a massive heart attack 6 months before his 65th birthday and collected nothing. Where did THAT money go? (I know where it went, it's just another variable) People die prematurely every day, so not EVERYBODY pulls out more than they put in.
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  12. #72
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Again. you people read into shit what you want to read into it. I never called anyone a freeloader. My sole point with all of this was to point out that, in the words of Bucky, we all feel ENTITLED to it a government social security check. We all feel entitled to cheap gas and groceries and we all feel entitled to governmental subsidies to ensure our most basic commodities are provided cheaply. Whether we are conservative or democrat or libertarian, we feel like we have a God given right to those things because we are by-god american. And as long as we feel we are entitled to those things, we will never be able to reform those programs (or us). Period. Its where the bulk of our mandatory taxes go for. Even military dollars are, at least in the modern age, to protect our ECONOMIC way of life more than anything else.

    so get down off your high horses and suck even harder on that government teat. I ain't bashing you for it, but I am saying you're 'disingenuous', to use a term thrown at me earlier, if you don't realize that the whole damn thing is rotten.


  13. #73
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I ain't entitled to cheap gas and groceries. No one is entitled to government subsidies.

    I AM entitled to Social Security.
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  14. #74
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Postie ain't gonna accept SSI ... so I hope I live long enough to use mine up and get into some of his.
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  15. #75
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I never said I wasn't gonna accept it dufus. I am a self confessed entitler. Y'all are just in denial is all.


  16. #76
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    .... At least Mo took some action the last couple of days to try and improve the team and open up a spot in the outfield for one of the young guys... maybe get a little fire and wake up call to the Birds on the Bat

  17. #77
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cards01 View Post
    .... At least Mo took some action the last couple of days to try and improve the team and open up a spot in the outfield for one of the young guys... maybe get a little fire and wake up call to the Birds on the Bat
    Spoil Sport!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  18. #78
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    The only thing this topic needs to come full circle is to bring sex into it.

    you're up Thump
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  19. #79
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    The only thing this topic needs to come full circle is to bring sex into it. you're up Thump

    Well, screw all'o youse dufes! (how's that?)
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  20. #80
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Barry, you are right about Social Security not running out. It's currently being propped up by all the Mexican children who have came to this country and are working under false SS numbers and won't ever draw anything out of the system.
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  21. #81
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    Barry, you are right about Social Security not running out. It's currently being propped up by all the Mexican children who have came to this country and are working under false SS numbers and won't ever draw anything out of the system.
    HAHAHAHA....Brown is my new favorite color!


  22. #82
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    10,953 the way........Social Security sucks as an investment. Not only does it pale in comparison to a decent ROI, it stops instantly if/when you die, even if it's one month after starting drawing. That's an amazingly terrible investment. Here's some reading.
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  23. #83
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    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  24. #84
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    That's right, just change the subject. In that last pic, Cappy not only has two heads and three arms, he's lost! Shouldn't this be in the fishing forum? No wait! Do we even HAVE a fishing forum?
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  25. #85
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Ugly Cap'n for the win!
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  26. #86
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Iv'e heard folks here road hunt.........first time I've heard of road/bridge fishin'.........
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  27. #87
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    What color is that shirt? Peach?


  28. #88
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I think.

    It's August. The shirt is long sleeved. This man is tough.
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  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    What color is that shirt? Peach? BKB
    I think it's officially called Imgayapricot.
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  30. #90
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    Bite me...
    This was a double actually we had a triple but the third was small.
    Several times today we had on doubles and triples. Great day.
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    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

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