Here's your chance to be risk taking and rich!

Here's a pic of about 85% of the stuff I'm about to sell online, starting about Aug 10............. I need to go through it, categorize it, and price a few things I haven't priced yet. But I can tell you that this pile of unmitigated horsecrap is about to go for sale for well over $2,000.00.

Yeah, there's stuff you can't see. A pile of fishing reels. A box of $250 camper mirrors for a chevy truck. Lots of stuff.

Here's your chance. One firm bid of $1,750 cash, and you can come get it all...........and make a tidy profit.

What's missing is 2 humongous ice chests (150 qt and 120 qt)........two pair of binoculars.......

I also have 3 guns that are NOT included in this........that I'll be selling later.

You have one week......going going going......