Well, I see there's a bit of a common thread here. As you all know, I have basically quit hunting also. It was pretty much forced on me when the economy tanked and I had to get a "real" job and had no vacation time accrued. Then my health tanked and I was no longer PHYSICALLY able to hunt for a few years. THEN reality hit and I was no longer physically able, but I was strapped financially also and traded/sold all my guns for services around the house that I am no longer physically able to do myself. So, it appears my hunting days are over. That said, I have many fond memories and a pile of nice heads on the wall as a reminder of earlier times ... all pleasant memories. BUT ... I really don't miss it. As said by others, I still enjoy the pics and stories of others here, but I just don't have the drive to get up at 4:00 am and head out into sub-freezing temps to sit in a tree and wait. Then, face the work involved with gutting, dragging, processing, etc. I do miss being in the woods and enjoying nature around me, but I've found alternatives to take the place of those moments.

I guess I can say I've killed my fair share of critters and totally enjoyed the hunts, but I'm fully "retired" now and have found alternatives. Heck, Lynn doesn't care for venison anyway, so I'd always go through all that work just to give the meat away anyway. I did the same with all the bear I've killed ... the meat was always donated to the locals and I'd end up with another rug and no place to put it.