Bucky, you must not know what a billion is or you are looking at snow geese one? We have WAY more Tundra Swans here than y'all have and there not even a billion of them in the world....
"Population: There are two populations of tundra swans recognized in North America: eastern and western. The western population has increased an average of 6 percent per year since 1990, and in January 2000 was estimated at 89,620 birds. Similarly, the eastern population has increased an average of 5 percent per year since 1990, and in January 2000 was estimated at 103,080 birds."
No doubt y'all probably get a few down there the majority of them winter from SC to New Jersey on the east coast. But you ain't seen nothing as far as numbers go till you go to the outer banks of NC. That literally "mow" wheat fields out there.
"Migrating and Wintering: Tundra swans winter mainly along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America, from southern British Columbia to California and from New Jersey to South Carolina. In the United States, primary wintering areas include the Atlantic coast from northern South Carolina to southern New Jersey, the Great Salt Lake vicinity and central and northern California."

Eddie do y'all have to get a permit to hunt them in your state?
And on a side note them things are a BOOGER to get killed. They are wearing a bulletproof vest and trying to get shot into them is the devil!
We mostly try to head shoot them but that in itself is tough.