Conine has been on my mind a lot this past few days. We had a house full of company all weekend but he was always there lurking in my thoughts. And I think part of the reason is trying to wrap my brain around how the loss of someone I'd never met face to face could affect me so much. It may be that that's a bit selfish but I think its what I've been trying to sort out.
I knew Bill well enough to know how proud he was of his military service in the Navy. And both of us knew that one thing we had in common is we used the tools we learned in the service in our entire working careers. I knew him well enough to know he was deeply in love with his wife as was she in love with him. It was evident even in the little I knew of his personal life. And the were both very proud of their daughter. I knew him well enough to know that owning his own little piece of land was really important to him. And I know he spent a great deal of time and energy fulfilling the dreams he had for it. I knew him well enough to know he was a good friend to the people he called friends. I corresponded with him a lot by email on Goodhunting business and he did a lot of stuff that a lot of folks don't know about. And he did it for his friends.
So I guess in the big scheme of what it is to know somebody, I knew quite a bit about Niner. And I loved just about all of it.
And I guess that's why he's been on my mind.
I'm gonna miss ya my firend.