Any human that can crank in more than 5 tarpon a day is a damn man! My arms and back are so sore and give out we are going out in the gulf tomorrow to fish for Permits, Snooks, redfish and bonefish.
In addition to the tarpon today I landed a 4 foot Barracuda, and a 7 foot 200 plus pound shark. He was a monster.
I will need some of you dudes help with video clips. You can not put a tarpon in the boat any more by law so all I have is video clips the guide took of me fighting the fish and releasing them beside the boat.
I don't have a clue how to edit or shorten the clips to up load here. My biggest was the last of the day, a 90 plus pound tarpon that jumped 4 times and took 2 hours to bring in.
What a trip!