I get way tired of being labeled racist for one reason only, and that is the region of my birth and residence. And that's what this is. This is "that's a symbol that folks used back when Great Great Great Great Grandpa was a slave, and I don't like it".

Makes no sense. Storm Roof didn't shoot folks because of this flag. So what is the connection, again??????

If I was black, here's how I'd look at things. I'm being serious, NOT racist, and not facetious. I'd think "Man, I've got it good. And I have two people to thank for this. My ancestors went through a very dark and evil period in history because of the ancestors of some white folks. That was awful. BUT, in the light of trying to find something positive out of darkness, I believe that I personally am at a wonderful spot in time, and on Earth, solely because of those evil white men and their actions against innocent black people that were my ancestors. I'd not praise the white folks for their evil actions, but a good byproduct that they never dreamed is that I'm here and free and independent. What I suggest is that we raise a statue for the generic black Slaves, for it's because of him and her that I am here today. I refuse to complain about that time in history and the evil way my folks were treated because it resulted in a great and wonderful thing for ME."

And that's how I'd view it.

To continue to say they are downtrodden and beat up on and need special privileges because of something that happened in 1865 to someone they don't know............is beyond my ability to comprehend. Now, if they as a group are being mistreated legally today, that's a different story. But you'll have to show me where that's happening. As to folks' individual beliefs and thoughts of their fellow man, that's between them and God and has no bearing in the Civil and Legal world.

So let the darts be thrown.

As to the flag, I don't live there. My grandson and daughter do. They don't care what happens to the flag, so I don't either. Whatever those folks want to do with it is their business. But the idea of "Bad happened, let's do SOMETHING even if it makes no logical sense" is goofy, at least to me. It's the Liberal reaction of "Don't stand there, do something". Knee Jerk.

IF I was a South Carolina legislator, I believe I'd vote to move it to a historical place and not fly it over the Capitol. That makes sense to me, but if I was voted down on that, I'd say OK then let's move along.