I can't believe nobody has posted a "What'cha Think" thread here. I guess Cappy is busy riding around in his fancy, easy-chair equipped, air-conditioned, XM Radio w/surround sound tractor complaining about how hard he works. P-hole is down drinking fru-fru drinks by the pool while watching scantily clad babes through his HEAVILY tinted sunglasses and obviously Bucky decided to break out the hammer & screwdriver to do a little "tweaking" after his i-net installer left the farm house. All you other dufes always use some excuse about summer and kids being out of school, etc.

Anyway .. what'cha think about the "Rebel" flag controversy? Is it time for a change? Or is it the usual b/s over-reaction to the latest news story? You know, like when some nutbag shoots up a movie theater, it's time to ban guns because the gun made him do it? Because some scumbag kid blows people away in a church because the Rebel flag made him do it? It's spreading like wildfire ... a dozen businesses have banned the sales of the flag or symbol now ... Walmart, Sears, Target, Amazon ... heck, a whole list of businesses are distancing themselves. I even got a message from eBay that, from this point forward, there will be no sales/auctions of the Rebel flag OR it's image!

States are all pulling any image of the flag from their license plates/specialty plates. Heck, they're even screaming to change the FLORIDA State flag because it has a red "cross" on it!

I'm waiting for the day I'll have to start spelling my last name with a "C" instead of a "K" because they have deleted the letter "K" from the alphabet! Why? Heck, everytime I see the KKK logo it makes me want to go out and kill immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and frigging union members!

I think Volkswagen should be wiped from the face of the Earth since Hitler had that danged "People's Car" designed and built. Now every time I see one of those damned things on the road, it makes me want to stuff a Jew or two into my oven!

When are we going to start holding individuals responsible for their actions instead of always trying to find some stupid excuse?

Rant over ... I have to get back to work.