I laugh at much of this "organic" craze these days. It reminds me of my days in California. I have a buddy out there whose wife will buy NOTHING but organic foods and he complains to me that it's putting him in the poor house! I remember sending him an article I read around the end of last year (I think) that said studies have shown the eggs of "free range" chickens are more prone to be contaminated than caged chickens because caged chickens aren't exposed to all the poop (from other critters as well as their fellow chickens!). I haven't followed it, but regular eggs are expected to double in price out there because the Californicators actullay voted to make caged chicken production illegal! Sheeesh!

I'm sure the same arguments could go on and on with other things. Heck, half the fish down here have elevated levels of mercury. But, I won't even go there. The point is, there are two sides to every story and non-regulated items in the food chain aren't always a good thing.

Edit: This "might" be the article I sent my buddy ... I remember it was close to Christmas because I slipped a copy into the Christmas card I sent ... but I didn't realize it was 2012! Time flies!
