No the very first post just has a hyperlink and your question "What do you think of this?" Maybe I'm missing it.

I did not claim you were not biased. I did not claim being biased is bad. I said no such thing.

I am merely saying that you many times say you are being unbiased, when the bias is very clear in that very same post. E.G., that's extremely clear in your post #82. You are not merely asking questions looking for an honest answer, as you claim, at least I don't think that. Again, I can point out your bias line by line if you want. And now you are trying to say you do have an opinion and it's ok to have opinions. ???? Sure it is, but up till now you've said you did not KNOW what is what and haven't made up your you say you DO have an opinion and are arguing that it's ok to have an opinion! Of course it is! But that's not what was portrayed for 80 posts.