There's a lot of scientific fact behind that and we need to be pushing towards a better approach. I'm no environmentalist or anti, I'm just saying we are fucking up our farmland at great speed and we are setting ourselves up for a potato famine like event that will change the way we view food and agriculture completely.

What a wild-assed assertion. Exactly what on earth are you basing that on? I don't know who YOUR "we" is, but OUR "we" is doing just the opposite to "our" farmland.

I really havent heard what you specifically think of the topic of GMOs and Monsanto's agressive litigious way of eliminating competition and spending lots of money to influence our congress.

"aggressive". You're welcome. And what is Verizon doing to eliminate competition and spending money to influence Congress??
Verizon is in the Top 15, Monsanto isn't. Pick on the right guys.

As to what I think about GMO? I have no idea. I trust my wonderful US Government through their USDA arm to tell me what is right and wrong for me to eat. After all, Government bureaus such as this exist to help us, right?