NTB, thanks for the firsthand knowledge and insight, it is appreciated and interesting. The Walmart analogy is interesting ... everyone bitches about them, yet everybody shops there. I've seen many other examples through the years where the most successful are the ones who catch the most heat from consumers or observers. It's like the drug companies, they spend millions for research and pay top tier researchers to develop a product. They incur all sorts of expenses with products that fail and are scrapped, yet when they hit on a successful product, they are the Devil because they try to recoup their expenses which have accrued for years before they managed to introduce a viable product.

I don't really have a dog in this fight because I know squat about farming ... I thought all that stuff was grown in the back storage area of the grocery store!

Anyway, thanks for that info. As far as the food I eat, I'd put more trust in the Monsantos of the world than some unregulated dirt farmer in Central Mexico.