I've been thinking on this topic too since it caused such a stink. And in searching around, there really aren't many 'facts' on GMOs anywhere that a person can hang their hat on. Sure, there's articles that cite science but they all have one thing in common: they tout the science that supports their position and they poo poo the science that doesn't. And in this case, I can't find that there is any real consensus about any of it. The one thing I do find is that 85% of our food is made up of some GMO component. I guess we're in this whether we want to ask questions or not. Its also clear that in food production, efficiency and yield are the two great drivers of everything. Its also clear that to question that model is damn near heresy.
Heresy or not, I can love what farmers do for us and hate the mantra of better living through modern chemistry. What it may boil down to is its a necessary evil. Thats also a common thing you read. But the science part is unsettled, unless of course, it supports your position, then they're all geniuses.

Still, a topic for a good conversation, but appraently not wirh farmers!