Well, I have a short "Thump story" ... but I'm not sure anyone here will believe it.

Short and sweet ... my sister-in-law was eaten by a tiger! Ok, I said it ...

I never knew her, but when I met my (ex) wife years ago (in Thailand), I asked about her family. She told me she used to have a sister, but she'd been killed when she was a little girl. When I asked what happened, she told me she was eaten by a tiger! She said there was a tiger that would sometimes wander out of the jungle and into the village at night. As a little girl she was terrified because they could sometimes here it "sniffing" under the door of their bungalo in the middle of the night. Their bungalo sat back off the dirt road leading through the village by about 30 yards and there was a path going through a bunch of mango and papaya trees from the bungalo to the road. One day her sister left the bungalo and they never saw her again. Along the path leading to the road, they found tiger tracks and signs of a scuffle, but her sister was never found.

So, now youse dufes have the rare distinction of knowing someone who had their SIL eaten by a tiger!

Well, that's the assumption anyway and an educated guess.