Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
My personal feelings on this has nothing to do with my political beliefs. I believe that abortion is morally wrong. But I don't believe that it is murder. That's because I don't believe life begins until a baby is living outside of its mother's womb. Until its born. Is the formation of a new life from two cells to a functioning human being an amazing and miraculous thing (miraculous in a non religious way I'll add)? Fuckin A right it is. Are there doctors who would gladly terminate a pregnancy and parents who would do the same just because via in utero testing they don't like the roll of the dice they got genetically? FuckIn A right there are. And that's why I think it is morally wrong to go there.
But I don't hold my moral convictions to be any better than anybody else's (although its obvious may e only to me that mine are better thought out than yours) (and that's a joke Nimrod). And it would be highly dangerous if my moral convictions were the basis of law. I believe people should have choices in this and in many things that our so called morality based laws don't allow us today.

Late term abortions are a huge 'I don't know' area for me. If I knew the answers or thought
I did i'd tell you. And when a fetus is viable is part of the problem that makes it difficult.

I think my beliefs in this are ptobably closer to the Talmudic laws that your basic ten commandments are part of as well. They believed life begins a birth as well.That ain't why I think that way, though. Just pointing it out before you start throwing scriptures at me.

Well, ok, but you've ignored quite a bit of the arguments I gave on this entire thread..........on ALL of the topics. I still see no reason to think I'm wrong even a little bit, and nothing you've said sways me on anything I said. I could make a list, A, B, C if you want.

But you KEEP introducing new stuff, sidestepping the old stuff, dancing here and there. It really is true, to argue with a person with Liberal views is like nailing Jello to the wall. Just now, you said:
And it would be highly dangerous if my moral convictions were the basis of law.

Well, I tell you what. Take the word "my" out of that sentence, and you'd have the common statement many people make. But it's just another incorrect cliche. Sort of like "It ain't bragging if you can do it". Of course it is!! But take "my" out and guess what? If you take out fiduciary law, and laws related to that, EVERY LAW IS BASED ON MORAL CONVICTIONS!" Give me a break!

I hate to sound like Alison Widmer, but if you'll start one thread on any of these topics, and stay on it, I'll discuss it with you. But you have to be honest, and you have to stay on topic. Pick one:
*Abortion (however, I can't reconcile your belief that humans don't exist till they are air breathers with 'late term abortions are a problem for me. If you believe the former, truly, there's no problem. If there's a problem, your believes need challenged. Pick one).
*Democratic Party Platform
*Internet Memes
*Cecil the Lion Kill(ed)
*Quoting others' thoughts, whether found on internet, email, or wherever
*Ethical hunting practices
*Argument and discussion acceptable methods

You pick. But if you dance all over just to avoid defeat, I'll bow out.

Fire away.