Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
Yup. You do.

If I were you I'd push closing the government down then over Planned Parenthood funding based on those videos and fight hard as you can for extending retirement age, capping COLA for social security recipients, and move to push people off of SSI to private pension plans. I'd make that my platform (its Cruz's) and go for it!

And the one question I wanted to hear the moderators ask and wasn't asked of anyone was changing the lifetime appointments of the Supreme Court and have them be elected for retention by a vote. It was the first thing out of some of the candidates mouths when the Obamacare and Same Sex Marriage decisions came out. But Fox stayed away from it like it was the plague.

I've for all of that.

And I am NOT trying to be mean here, I swear!! And of course you get to have an opinion of these guys, naturally. NO problem. But it seems to me that you'll just vote for Hillary no matter who is the GOP guy, won't you? Julie'd cut your nuts off if you don't. So wouldn't you really want the craziest guy to emerge???