Its biased of me to say Hillary is a better liar than Rubio? Are you from Planet Zenon? Which is this logic you claim to have?

Sorry, I almost wandered into DismissivenessLand. Which is a lot smaller than DismissivenessWorld.

Put me in the Don't want another Clinton or Bush camp. As of now, I'd vote for Bernie Sanders over any of the rubes on the debate floor last night and Hillary. The one possible exception might be Kasich or (outside chance) Rubio. Both I want to explore more and see how they fair. I don't hink Hillary is a lock for the Democratic nomination and I think, like Trump, Sanders could quite easily go independent. Hell he's 75% there already.

Obviously, I'm judging my choice by something different than purely along ideological lines. Tuis time I am thinking I will vote like I'm interviewing them for a job. So different values come into play and how close they track to my party's lines (Democrat, or Libtard if you prefer) aren't as important.
I'm sick of the status quo of how we elect people. My way may revolt you. But here's a hint. I don't give a rats ass if you do.

(Insert maniacal laughter soundtrack here)