I know for years the Oklahoma dept of wildlife denied that we had them in Oklahoma. They have since changed their stance after several have been hit by cars. One was killed by a train in western Ok that had been tagged in Wyoming a couple years before. One actually showed up in somebody's tree in Tulsa and they called the police. A couple of zoo keepers came out with them and darted it. That was on the local news. As far as personal accounts about 6 years ago Hombre and I were turkey hunting in western OK on the Black Kettle National Grassland and stopped in the U.S. forestry service office to get maps. We asked a U.S. Forrest Ranger if we had lions in OK and he said follow me. He took us Around the corner to a full body mount and said it was killed about 5 miles from Cheyenne, OK which was about 10 miles from where we were. Now this was before the state had changed their official stance on them. The ranger said the state was full of shit because Texas and New Mexico we're known to have self sustaining populations and it would only make sense with what we know about how far they range. If that one that had been collared in Wyoming can make it all the way down here I have no doubt that a few from NM and TX could wander over.

Now I am not saying there is one behind every tree but I do believe there is a small population here.