I wrote this once before and Bucky claimed I was ridiculing him or Republicans or whatever. Imagine that. But its seriously true. When it comes down to what is being said, how its being said, and the reasoning behind it, Trump sounds almost identical to the great majority of conservative people that I know personally. So why wouldn't he be the front runner? But for some reason conservatives don't seem to like the mirror that Trump is, held up in their faces.

As for the political correctness thing, PC and people getting offended aren't the reasons we have gridlock in our country. The reason for gridlock is that we've put political ideology ahead of basic human values when we are selecting our governmental representatives. I won't even call them 'leaders'. 'Leader' is a bonus. In my mind, the way this is supposed to work, we're supposed to elect the people we think will make the decisions that we agree the most with and then allow them to go do the best job they can. That doesn't mean that they'll be right or that they'll even cast their vote the way we want them to every time. Nowadays though, every vote in the congress is a big ideological fight and every move by every player is monitored and discussed. No wonder we have a bunch of assholes in Washington. We created it. As Pogo famously said, we have met the enemy and they are us. It only when we elect people who aren't wingnut ideological freaks that we'll see what some smart people can do to solve what mostly are business process problems. Sorry, but Trump ain't one of 'em.