Fall is my favorite time of year. I snuck out for a couple hours after work last night just to enjoy the cooler air, fresh scent of pine, and to hook a fish or two.

Nothing prettier than a spawning brooke from a brook.

Well nothing is prettier except maybe a spawning West Slope Cutthroat. Nope neither of the fish I posted are big, but who cares when they look like this. It was an enjoyable evening filled hits and misses on the creek. In the end I landed a dozen or so fish and thoroughly enjoyed the hyper quick couple hours on the creek. Why can't hours at work slip away equally as fast?!

As I was leaving this little fellow peeked out of the foliage at me from only 8 feet away. Ruffed grouse and the outdoors just go hand in hand in my mind. IT'S FALL and LIFE IS GOOD!