The running battle at our lovely deer camp over how to do our annual work on stands has arrived! Going Thursday or Friday..........for a week. The FIRST week! This one is to bush hog and cut down a pile of small pine saplings that the ice last winter bent over into our lanes..........and general camp work. Then we get a break (hey, even prisoners get a break!) for a few days, come home...... and then go back with a truck load of seed and plant all the shooting lanes.

I am not convinced this planting does a lot..........and many guys I know that have done this same thing for years, have stopped........and say they see no difference. Obviously, it doesn't hurt, but $2,000 a year to get tractors down there and buy seed, a big chunk, plus another week out of our lives. Not that it hurts, obviously.......we shoot a lot of deer eating food plots. But like corn, I think all it does is make our 12 deer nocturnal!

To be honest, I think the two Ringleaders (we ain't officially got a Camp Boss, but don't tell that to one of the guys, name not provided!!) simply have a tough summer (and they do) and this is just something for them to do. Neither of 'em fish, which is the danged problem. So they get off on going down there half the danged month of September.

I DO need to get 11 more hours (or 65 more miles) on my ATV before deer season so I can take it in for the "Initial 10 Hour Maintenance" that warranty maybe I can get that done hauling water and gatorade to the tractor drivers!

The weather appears about to break, at least a way I'm going in 99 degree heat, with this asthma! Should be decent weather after these fronts come through next day or two.