Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Dinner View Post
Hell, I still can't see it. I've run across a few copperheads and water mocs in my day. Never a rattlesnake. While I don't want to get bit, I really would like to see one.
I've hunted my whole life where there are plenty but have never seen a live rattler in the wild. I've seen a little 'ground rattler' (little grey colored dude with black rattles) that I almost sat on once but no diamondbacks. I'm not sure if I want to either.

We had a lot of copperheads on our farm but for the most part they're shy around here. The issue with them is they don't hiss or run off to let you know they are there. they just lay there and then try to bite you.

The huge copperhead skin that Captain gave me is one of the most beautiful snake skins you'll ever see. I still haven't decided what to make with it. Guitar strap was the original intent and its plenty big enough to do one.

Another real purty snake we have here are called Coach whips. the pattern on theor tail looks like a braided whip. Ornery fuckers too. Curmudgeonly, hateful, and biteful like black snakes.