Fishing at Dogtooth this year was super tough. We managed to limit and we had some big fish, biggest was ANOTHER 29 3/4 " walleye, but we had a bunch of fun and it was interesting to see the lake almost a month and a half later than we usually do. We're back to our old early August schedule next year. This time of year, the lake is so full of cisco bait balls that they fool your locator into giving a false bottom reading. Every walleye we caught was puking up ciscos and our livewells would sour unless we recirculated them almost constantly to flush out the baitfish puke. If you've ever fished through a mayfly hatch this is the same only its fish. Another factor was the moon, as in there wasn't one. Because of human issues we ended up with the dates we had and I'm still pissed about it. We fished about an hour after dark every night but the bite stopped cold at sundown. What sliver of the moon we had rose and set almost exactly the same as the sun. Stupid on us.
The weather was low forties at night to mid 50s and 60s daytime and we had one day it got to 80. Good sleeping weather.
The northern lights came out and danced for us one night and it was just frigging awesome. Sitting in a boat out on that lake with the milky way painted across the sky and the northern lights so bright you saw them and their reflection on the water is a lifetime experience I'll never forget.

Here a little fish porn .Soon as I get all the pics collected I'll post a link to he rest.
As good a time as that is, its sure good to be home!

