Bwana I know exactly where you are coming from on this. Just a couple years ago when my third oldest boy was a senior they made play offs. They made it all the way to the quarter finals, and only barely lost that game in the last 30 seconds of the game. Anyway it was an exciting football season, but it went more than half way through deer season. I didn't kill a buck that year. First time in nearly 30 years. I enjoyed the football season, but was awful glad when it was over though. My youngest son plays junior high football, but we have an understanding that after his 8th grade year (next year) he won't be playing high school football. There is no way on this planet I want to risk him getting an injury that would end his abilities as an artist. So I only have one more season to stand and cheer on the sidelines for one of my kids. To be honest I'm more than okay with that.