I respect them too. But cold is cold. They may be more use to it than we are but when it gets in the 20's it's cold.
Another thing is they get like one tag, and hunt three or four times. If they hunted 5 1/2 to 6 months, three or four times a week and could kill a zillion deer they would probably set up some more comforts in Their stands.
I hunted for 30 years using screw in steps and hang on stands, in fact there were many days I would get in a loc-on stand before daylight and not touch the ground again till after dark. But as soon as I started building tower stand, enclosing them and putting comfortable chairs in them I knew my days sitting in a "ass-pincher" stand was limited.
I hunt long, hard and MANY days and hours. There is absolutely nothing wrong in making it as comfortable as possible.