I like the fact Trump is in the mix and stirring up the mud. After all, how could I NOT like a shit-disturber? BUT ... as POTUS? Please! Give me a break! What we have in office now has been a total embarrassment for the past 7 years, but TRUMP? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing the "real" politicians squirm ... it's about time. But when (or is) this thing ever going to get serious? Every time he sticks his foot in his mouth or makes a fool of himself, I figure, ok, here it comes, his poll ratings will start to bomb. But they only go UP ... every frigging time!

I understand the general population is sick of the "status quo" and are tired of always being told we MUST be politically correct. I'm sorry folks, like it or not, some "political correctness" is part of being a civilized society IMHO. If my boss' wife has a face that would stop a clock, it may be true, but I'm NOT going to walk up to him and say, "Boss, I really enjoy working for you, but your wife is so damned ugly, if she sat on the beach, cats would try to bury her! You don't walk through your local mall and and stop every fat lady to tell her she's ... well, FAT! You don't see a couple pushing a stroller down the sidewalk, then stop to tell them what a fugly baby they have. It "may" be the truth, but like it or not, political correctness (which is really nothing more than good manners and common decency/civility) needs to come into play somewhere along the line. Saying what you really think in an acceptable setting is alright, and possibly even a virtue, but being rude and crude is not.

Trump acts like he has the maturity of a spoiled, 12-year old school kid. There's one part of me that likes seeing him say whatever he wants ... whatever he thinks .... but I feel like it's really no different than staring at a bad car wreck. Even though I realize someone may have died, I can't help looking. MAYBE if he were to actually be voted into office, he'd surround himself with genius advisers and actually listen to what they say, then follow their suggestions. Maybe it could work that way. But, for some reason, I don't see that happening. One thing I do agree with is that we DO have to "Make America great again," but I feel deep down inside, Trump, as POTUS, would embarrass me half to death.