I've always said, you can sell ANYTHING on eBay, and today's sale proves it. I actually sold a burned-out light bulb! I picked up an old projector bulb at a recent sale and when I asked how much they wanted for it, they gave it to me (free). I brought it home, took photos, wrote up an ad, listed it for sale, then as I was putting it away, I noticed the dang filament was burned out! Oh well, I'd already gone to all the trouble to list the thing, so I edited the listing to say it was burned out and I was selling it for "display only". The actual category listing on the heading reads, "for parts or not working". I'd already committed to a 30-day listing, so figured when the listing expired, I'd simply throw the bulb away and not re-list. I actually sold the dang thing today! WTF??? They're not rare OR terribly expensive and there are a bazillion of 'em (GOOD one's) listed all over eBay. To be honest, I kind of left it up as a joke for my buddy (we have a bit of a sales competition every month) as I once told him I can sell ANYTHING on eBay and I was gonna prove it to him. I never in a bazillion years expected this thing to actually sell! I don't get it.

(I'm kinda wondering if the guy even bothered to read my ad?)